Level Up Quick in Farmville

Facebook games such as Farmville are becoming more popular and are played daily by people from all walks of life. Farmville is a game based on building up your own virtual farm. You move from level to level by gaining more points and money.

You earn your points by sowing and harvesting crops, building things on your farm and helping out other members of the farmville community. As you gain more points you move up levels which allows you to access better yielding crops, helpful machinery and better buildings. Therefore moving up levels or as it is known "leveling up", makes your farm better. Levelling up quick in farmville is therefore very beneficial to you.
FarmVille can be a great way to unwind and while away those long winter nights. It can become quite addictive and there will come a time when you want to get a little more out of the game. Every time you move up a level, you unlock new seeds, decorations, and other discretionary items. This means that in order to get the most out of this, you'll have to level up quick in farmville to unlock as many items and bonuses as you can.

Levelling up quickly

There are many ways to help you level up, but the fundamental thing you have to do is accumulate experience points. You gain these points by plowing your land and sowing crops. For plowing a plot of your land you will earn 1 experience point.

When you start your farm in the early days you will find that you move up levels fairly quickly just by plowing and harvesting. As you move up the levels you will need to accumulate a lot more experience points to continue upwards.


To level up quick in FarmVille, you can gain more experience point by doing things such as building structures such as barns and a house. In fact building anything on your farm will gain you more points and help you level up quickly. The secret is that you will have to work out which structures will give you the most experience when you build them.

This is also the case with when choosing which seeds or plants to grow. Some crops will take 2-3 days to grow and give you 2 points, where as others only take 4 hours before you must harvest them and will only give you one point. Crops that only take one day to grow may only earn you one point, but crops like strawberries, that only take 4 hours to grow can be harvested up to 6 times per day.
To earn points by harvesting crops means you have to plan when sowing when they will be ready to harvest, as you will have to make sure you are at a computer to do it. If you do not harvest the crops on time they will die and you will lose any points you would have got. Putting up buildings on your farm is still the best way to earn large boosts in your experience points. If you save up your cash so that you can purchase buildings you will level up quick in farmville, and will soon be in a position to access all the benefits of farmville.

To learn more about the way to level up quick in FarmVille you will have to visit FarmVille Secrets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Garry_Booton
